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To recognize outstanding scholarship in our subfield, the Mobile Communication Division presents several awards and prizes: a Top Paper award, an Emerging Scholar grant and a Top Dissertation award. 


Top Papers


Each year, the Division hosts a special session immediately preceding the Business Meeting, composed of the highest rated papers submitted to Mobile Communication (using the scoring from blind peer review). 


Eligibility: Research papers (not extended abstracts) submitted to the Mobile Communication Division for sessions at the ICA main conference.


2024 Top Papers


Award winning paper

Momentary Motivations for Digital Disconnection: An Experience Sampling Study

Adrian Meier, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität

Alicia Gilbert, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Julius Klingelhöfer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität



Sharing is Caring: The Positive Role of Smartphone Co-use in Social Dynamics 

Anja Stevic, University of Vienna

Anneleen Meeus, KU Leuven​


Conflicting Norms around Mobile Media Dis/Connection and State Mindfulness: A Vignette Experiment

Minh Hao Nguyen, University of Amsterdam

Sarah Geber, University of Zürich


Hybrid Spaces Revisited: Adjusting the Apertures of a Trifocal Lens 

Adriana de Souza e Silva, North Carolina State University 

Scott Campbell, University of Michigan



2023 Top Papers


Award winning paper

Person- and Situation-Specific Variance in Media Use: A Meta-Analysis

Anna Schnauber-Stockmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Michael Scharkow, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Veronika Karnowski, University of Technology Chemnitz

Teresa K. Naab, University of Mannheim

Daniela M. Schlütz, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

Paul Pressmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz



Does the Mere Presence of a Smartphone Impact Cognitive Performance? A Meta-analysis of the “Brain Drain Effect”

Douglas A. Parry, Setellenbosch University


Should I Stay (Online) or Should I Go (Offline)? How Conflicting Norms of Disconnection and Availability Correlate With Mobile Media Use Across Generations

Sarah Geber, University of Zürich

Minh Hao Nguyen, University of Amsterdam

Moritz Büchi


A Tale of Two Concepts. Differential Temporal Predictions of Habitual and Compulsive Social Media Use Concerning Connection Overload and Sleep Quality

Kevin Koban, University of Vienna

Anja Stevic, University of Vienna

Jörg Matthes, University of Vienna



2022 Top Papers


Award winning papers (score-tie)

Mobile Phones and Power Relationships: Understanding the Agentic Motivations and Strategies of North Korean Defectors by Gabrielle C. Ibasco, University of British Columia

Arul Chib, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Juhee Kang 


Hybrid War, Hybrid Peace: Mobile Communication at the Frontline in Eastern Ukraine

Roman Horbyk, Södertörn University



Tracking the Temporal Flows of Mobile Communication in Daily Life

Morgan Quinn Ross, The Ohio State U

Joseph B Bayer, The Ohio State U

Lisa Rhee, The Ohio State U

Ivory Potti, The Ohio State U

Yung-Ju Chang, National Chiao Tung University


ScreenLife Capture: A Privacy-Respecting, Open-Source, and User-Friendly Framework for Collecting Screenome Data

Andrew Z H Yee, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Ryan Yu, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Sun Sun Lim, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Kwan Hui Lim, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Ryan Yu, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Lionell Loh, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Andre Hadianto, Singapore U of Technology and Design

Miguel Quizon, Singapore U of Technology and Design



2021 Top Papers


Award winning paper

Smartphones as Actors: A New Digital Disability Care Actor-Network in China

Zhongxuan Lin, Jinan University

Liu Yang, Sun Yat-Sen University



A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Examining the Accuracy of Self-reported Digital Media Use

Douglas Parry, Stellenbosch U

Brittany Davidson, U of Bath

Craig Sewall, U of Pittsburgh

Jacob Fisher, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hannah Mieczkowski, Stanford U

Mobile Media, Glocal Intimacies, and the Contradictions of Access in the Philippines

Cecilia Uy-Tioco, California State U, San Marcos,

Jason Vincent Cabanes, De La Salle U


How and when do mobile media demands impact well-being? Explicating the integrative model of mobile media use and need experiences (IM3UNE)

Frank Schneider, U of Mannheim

Sarah Lutz, U of Mannheim

Annabell Halfmann, U of Mannheim

Adrian Meier, Johannes Gutenberg U of Mainz

Leonard Reinecke, Johannes Gutenberg U of Mainz



2020 Top Papers


Award winning paper

Digital Wellbeing as a Dynamic Construct

Mariek Vanden Abeele, Tilburg University



What determines instant messaging communication? Examining the impact of person- and situation-level factors on IM responsiveness and perceived stress

Leyla Dogruel, Mainz University


Nomopobia and phubbing among Taiwanese emerging adults: Investigating affective smartphone use and family cohesion
Trisha T. C. Lin, National Chengchi University


Mobile Networked Creativity: Understanding creativity as open communication

Adriana de Souza e Silva, North Carolina State University 



2019 Top Papers


Award winning paper

Wechat Use of Mainland Chinese Dual Migrants in Daily Border Crossing

Bei Ju, United Nations U-CS, MACAU



Participants More Than Words - The Integrative Power of the Mobile Phone as “a Reciprocal Technology” for Micromobilization

Jun Liu, U of Copenhagen, DENMARK


Mobile but Not Mobilised? Differential Gains from Mobile News Consumption for Citizens’ Election Campaign Engagement

Jakob Ohme, U of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS


Tinder Passport and Grindr Explore: Traveling in the International Date-O-Sphere

Muira McCammon, U of Pennsylvania, USA



Emerging Scholar Grant


Each year, the Division offers a cash prize to further early-stage research projects with significant potential. The Awards Committee reviews submissions each spring and selects up to three recipients of the grant. 


Eligibility: Early-career researchers (pre-tenure) who are members of ICA and the Mobile Communication Division.


2024 Emerging scholar grants


Self-extension in mobile dating applications

Kathryn Coduto, Boston University


The paradoxical nature of m-health: A mixed-method project to unravel the use and impact of health applications

Robin Vanherle, KU Leuven



2023 Emerging scholar grant


Understanding the association between digital disconnection and psychological well-being, a daily diary approach

Lise-Marie Nassen, KU Leuven



2022 Emerging scholar grant


The mediating role of social support and social comparison: Impact and Comparison of WeChat and Weibo usage behaviors on subjective well-being

Yuying Deng, University of Salamanca



2021 Emerging scholar grants


Towards a spatial grounding of mediated and non-mediated communication to capture hybrid communication through chat app

Deepti Singh Apte, Symbiosis International (deemed) University


"Digital boutiques” on WhatsApp and Facebook in Niger: Exploring their affordances and uses across gender, literacy, and status

Ibrahim Maïdakouale, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté 



2020 Emerging scholar grants


Always connected: The context and consequences of ubiquitous screen media exposure among preadolescents

Anneleen Meeus, Doctoral Researcher, KU Leuven


Third person effect and mobile media use

Archana Krishnan, SUNY Albany


2019 Emerging scholar grants


Smart phones and social media fatigue

Minh Hao Nguyen


Touch screens, mobile news consumption, and fake News

Zhixin Giselle Pu


WhatsApp with Politics?! Examining how social networks—within instant messaging apps—affect engagement with political news

Susan Vermeer



The Emerging Scholar Grant is awarded annually. A call-for-submissions is announced in Winter-Spring.


Dissertation Award


Offered in odd-numbered years, this award recognizes ambitious and significant scholarship completed in a doctoral dissertation.


Eligibility: Members of the Division who have defended a dissertation during the two calendar years preceding the ICA annual meeting.


2023 Dissertation Award


Stress Management and Coping Using Smartphones by Mothers of Young Children

Lara Wolfers, University of Hohenheim



2021 Dissertation Award


Urban Digital Inequality: Adversity and adaption in the network society

Will Marler, University of Zurich



2019 Dissertation Award


Everyday Multiscreening: How the simultaneous usage of multiple screens affects information processing and advertising effectiveness

Claire M. Segijn


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