ICA Mobile Communication Division
2021 ICA activities of the
Mobile Communication Interest Group
Social Events of the Mobile Comm Interest Group at and before the virtual ICA 27-31 May 2021
Mobile Comm Literature Hunt
Get ready to look into some old and some new Mobile Comm Literature! It is easy to take part and it also does not take too much time. You have to fulfill four short literature hunt tasks in the week before virtual ICA from May, 20- May, 26.
You can register here: https://kmrc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1BP8yjd6c93Nl4O
You will then get more information shortly before the start. The lit hunt is perfect for all early-career scholars but also for more experienced scholars who like to find new pieces of Mobile Comm literature. Everyone who attends gets a small networking "gift". We will also select winners who will receive a lot of fame and a small gift sponsored by the Technology & Information Policy Institute of The University of Texas at Austin!
Pitch & Connect Session with Mobile Comm Scholars
We will have 'Pitch & Connect' sessions, where you can shortly pitch a current project/a current idea/ your research philosophy /… to other MCIG scholars. This is an easy format were you can get to know each other around discussions about different ideas and projects.
How it works: During a one hour Zoom session, you will be thrown into a breakout room with a handful of people where each of you has the opportunity to present your project, a current idea, your research philosophy or whatever else related to your work you want to discuss. The one rule is: you cannot use more than one Power Point slide (if you use one at all) and you have 3 minutes to introduce your topic. This session enables professional exchanges without the pressure of a full-on presentation and gives you the opportunity to have discussions with likeminded people.
Sessions are synchronous and will take place at:
Fr, May, 28 UTC 3 p.m.
Sa, May, 29. UTC 7 a.m.
Su, May, 30 UTC 0 a.m.
Global South Networking Session
How it works: We will have a Global South networking session for scholars coming from the Global South, doing research on the Global South, and anyone who is interested in the event. There will be random meet and greets as well as bigger group chat for us to get to know one another and discuss shared ideas and concerns.
Sessions will take place at:
Sa, May, 29 UTC 2 p.m.
Su, May, 30 UTC 3 a.m.
How to join?
Everyone can attend the meetings including people who did not register for ICA and people who are not Mobile Comm Interest Group members (yet). So please also motivate your students and colleagues to participate! ICA attendees and Mobile Comm Interest Group members will have access to the Zoom links to the events via the ICA Conference platform. You can also sign up here to receive the zoom link and a reminder shortly before the event: https://kmrc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HSnIyADFkLGY0S
If you have any questions concerning the events, feel free to reach out to ICA Student and Early Career Scholars Representative Lara Wolfers (l.wolfers@iwm-tuebingen.de) and International Liaison Representative Hoan Nguyen (hoannguy@usc.edu).
2021 Mobile Communication Presentations
Session 1 - Top paper
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Examining the Accuracy of Self-reported Digital Media Use- Parry, Douglas
Smartphones as Actors: A New Digital Disability Care Actor-Network in China- Lin, Zhongxuan
Mobile Media, Glocal Intimacies, and the Contradictions of Access in the Philippines - Uy-Tioco, Cecilia
How and when do mobile media demands impact well-being? Explicating the integrative model of mobile media use and need experiences (IM3UNE) - Schneider, Frank
Session 2 - Being mobile in place
Mobile Subjects and Mediated (Im)mobilities - Mai Nou Xiong-Gum
Mapping the COVID-19 Pandemic - Adriana de Souza e Silva
Situating Careful Surveillance - Larissa Hjorth
Biometrics ‘at-a-distance’: Touchlessness and the Securitization of Circulation - Mark Andrejevic
Session 3 - Self control and compulsive use
Lifting the veil on smartphone screen time: The role of notifications and specific app activities in explaining session length - Stragier, Jeroen
Digging Deeper Into the Reasons for Self-Control Failure: How Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations to Use Mobile Communication Shape Self-Control Processes - Halfmann, Annabell
Distracted Children? Nighttime Smartphone Use, Children’s Attentional Problems, and School Performance Over Time - Stevic, Anja
The Relational and Psychological Outcomes of Phubbing Others and Being Phubbed Among Adolescents - Stevic, Anja
Mindful Mobile Phone Use: Effects of MBSR on Online Vigilance, Multitasking, and Habitual Smartphone Use - Hefner, Dorothée
A longitudinal study on smartphone use disorder and psychosocial well-being - Reer, Felix
Dance the Night Away: How Nonreflective TikTok Creates Pre-Sleep Cognitive Arousal and Daytime Fatigue - Wang, Kexin
Session 4 - Exploring Mobile Socialities
Mobile figures in current times: On the Walz - Maren Hartmann
The fullness of day laborers’ mobile phone memories - Carlos Jimenez
The food courier, the mobile phone and the power geometry of mobility - Magnus Andersson
The “Hashtag Sociality” of #Solotravelers - Erika Polson
Time for representation: Mediating the moment in a mobile space - Roger Norum
Anchoring narratives: Placing narrative in dialogue with the mobile socialites framework - Lynn Clark
Transported Immobility - Annette Hill
Session 5 - Mobile communication and well-being
Smartphone uses and emotional and psychological well-being in China: The attenuating role of perceived information overload - Li, Xueqing
Intensity of Mobile Instant Messaging Usage for Work and Employees’ Anxiety - Ashfaq, Muhammad
What influences our recall of the use of social media and smartphones? An exploratory study based on a sample of Chinese iPhone users - Li, Gefei
Incidental stigmatization? Characteristics of wellbeing app descriptions and their effects on public and self-stigmatization of depression - Sukalla, Freya
Session 6 - Mobile news and political mobilization
Mobile Selective Exposure: Confirmation Bias and Impact of Social Cues During Mobile News Consumption - Ross, Morgan
The Revolution Was Live Streamed: Mobile Live Streaming during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests - Fang, Kecheng
The revolution will be forwarded: WhatsApp, ritualization, and polymedia ecologies in closed social networks - Maddox, Jessica
Exposure to news about 2019 HK protest, nationalism and government criticism: examining the mediation roles of discussion homogeneity and cross-cutting discussion - Bai, Chenyu
Session 7- Mobile methods and mobile privacy
Presenting a Novel Data Collection and Automated Processing Approach for iOS Smartphone Data - Baumgartner, Susanne
The Accuracy and Validity of Self-Reported Social Media Use Measures Among Adolescents - Verbeij, Tim
You've Got Debt: Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional Reactions to Digital Payday Lending Ads - Lee, Jihye
Resistance to Facial Recognition Payment in China: An Extended Privacy Calculus Model - Liu, Yu-li
Session 8 - Advances in Mobile Communication Research: A Tribute to Rich Ling
Looking back: Rich Ling and the first steps of his long career - Leopoldina Fortunati
Can we still take the Digital Gemeinschaft for granted?: Revisiting the concept in 2021 - Jeffrey Boase
The Psychological Embedding of Mobile Media and Communication - Morgan Ross & Scott Campbell
Rich Ling and the future of mobile communication research - Kathleen Cumiskey & Lee Humphreys
Session 9 - Images, identity, and apps
Subject Editing of Selfies: Roles of Appearance Concerns and Technology Acceptance Model - Qin, Yuren
Understanding the meaning of emoji in mobile social payments: Exploring skin tone modified emoji usage in Venom - Sudarshan, Sabitha
Critical Messages About Classical Memorials? A Case Study of Individual Online Interactions With Public Memory of Dr. King - Hugentobler, Larissa
Haptic literacy for agentic expression: Tiktok and affordances of the interface - Eapen, Gayas
Session 10 - Mobility, migration and place
Conceptualizing micromobility: its technical essence, its appropriation, and the role of mobile interfaces - von Pape, Thilo
Mobile Phones, Migrants and Marginalization: A Literature Review Through the Lens of Structuration - TheoryIbasco, Gabrielle C.
The Discursive Practice of (im)Mobilized Regimes: WeChat Moments Use of Mainland Chinese Labour Migrants in Macao during the COVID-19 - Ju, Bei
Exploring the Material Conditions of Location-Based Mobile Game Play in the Global Southde - Souza e Silva, Adriana
The (Digital) Medium of Mobility is the Message: Comparing Perceptions of E-Scooter Mobile Apps and E-Scooters Themselves - Ratan, Rabindra (Robby)
Displaying and directing: Migrant mothers and their performances of family practices in a polymedia environment - Waruwu, Barui
A Tale of Two Cities: Exploring Mobile Placemaking Practices by Elderly Houniao Communities in China - Li, Yongjian
Session 11 - Mobile communication and the pandemic
Changing workplace communication with Mobile Technologies: A Case Study of Implementing a Mobile Management System in a Construction Company - Wang, Yang
You are not Alone: Smartphone Use, Friendship Satisfaction, and Anxiety during the COVID-19 Crisis - Stevic, Anja
Tracing a pandemic: A comparative analysis of contact tracing healthcare approaches in China and Canada - Zhao, Yaxi
Adherence to Sexual Stereotypes & Sex-Related Alcohol Expectancies: Explaining Young Women’s Sexting During the Coronavirus Pandemic - Hust, Stacey
Barriers and Assistance of Information Disadvantaged Group's Information-based Income Growth in China Urban Areas under COVID-19 pandemic - Ye, Mingrui
A Content Analysis of Support-Seeking Messages on Weibo in China during the Pandemic: Information Source, Message Appeals, Usage of Graphic Images, and Their Relationships with User Engagement and Support Behaviours - Jia, Xiaofeng
Coping With Covid: A Case Study of Instagram Behavior During COVID-19 Lockdowns - Hugentobler, Larissa
Session 11 - mHealth and mobile fitness
App Design Expectations and Impact on mHealth Appeal and Acceptance - Lazard, Allison
Untangling the heterogeneity in self-tracking practices: an empirical investigation into German young adults’ engagement with self-tracking technologies - Karnowski, Veronika
Understanding the role of context and motivation in mobile fitness application user satisfaction - Liang, Shuang
Fusing the Technology Adoption Model and Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand mHealth App Use and Physical Activity Intentions - Mao, Chang
Using Digital Communication Technology to Improve Family Centered Neonatal Care: A Two-Part Explorative Needs Assessment Study - Antheunis, Marjolijn
Message reminders that encourage brisk walking by taking into account the dynamic factor of cognitive fatigue - Symons, Michelle
Current and Potential Future Uses of Text Messaging in Health Care Among Diverse Populations - Collins, Meredith
Session 12 - Poster Session
Opinion congruence vs. retaliatory references? Examining the predictors of biases on mobile user review systems - Looi, Jiemin
Spill, Soak and Spray: Rethinking “Saturation” for Mobile Media - Plotnick, Rachel
Omnipresent publicness Protective strategies of non-participation and invisibility in online public space - Salte, Luise
Love in the time of COVID? Mobile dating applications and social support during the coronavirus pandemic - Kolhoff, Sean