ICA Mobile Communication Division
Current Calls
Mobile Communication Division
submission deadline for nominations before 5 JULY 2024
We are currently soliciting nominations and self-nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the ICA Mobile Communication Division. This key leadership position provides the individual with opportunity to help shape and advance the group, the sub-discipline, and enable our growing group to continue to thrive. The term of the Vice-Chair would begin on the last day of the ICA Annual Conference in Denver, USA (2025), and is a four-year commitment serving two years as Vice-Chair and then assuming the position of Chair for two years.
Description of the Vice Chair
The Vice-Chair is a member of the division’s executive committee. The main task of the Vice-Chair is planning the Mobile Communication pre-conference in 2026 (place to be determined) and in 2027 (Chicago, USA). Subsequently, as Chair, the individual will have the primary responsibility to plan the Division’s program for the 2028 (TBD) and 2029 (TBD) conferences.
As stated in the Mobile Communication ByLaws:
The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in administering Section business meetings; participate with the Chair in evaluating the quality of Section convention programs; administer the selection of competitive and noncompetitive papers/programs for conventions and notify contributors and the Association of papers/programs that are selected. The Vice Chair shall also assist the Chair when requested, and assume the duties of Chair in the event of the latter’s absence, disability, or request.
Desired candidates are active members of the Mobile Communication Division. They need to be registered ICA members already for the upcoming term (2024-2025) when they submit their nomination materials. Candidates must be able to attend the business meetings at the ICA annual meetings 2026-2029 (2027 in Chicago, rest TBD).
Submitting Nominations
Please send your nomination to Lara Wolfers (l.n.wolfers@uva.nl), Chair of the Nominating Committee, by July 5, 2024.
Your nomination needs to include a CV and a brief statement (no more than 2,000 characters, or about 300 words) in support of yourself/the candidate for the position.
The other members of the Nominating Committee are Mariek Vanden Abeele (Mariek.VandenAbeele@UGent.be), Adriana de Souza e Silva (a.desouzaesilva@northeastern.edu), and Keri Stephens (keri.stephens@austin.utexas.edu).
The committee will review the nominations and select those to put forward in the election process. Only the candidate’s statement is submitted to ICA to be included in the election process.
ICA Elections begin at the end of August/beginning of September 2024. If you have further questions about the position or the nomination process, please contact Lara Wolfers (l.n.wolfers@uva.nl) or other Nominating Committee members before July 5th.
Click here for the full pdf document.