ICA Mobile Communication Division
2024 ICA Mobile Preconference
Mobilizing Communication Rights for Humans, More-than Humans, and Beyond
Call for Proposals is out (see PDF below)!
The 19th annual preconference takes place as an in-person event on Wednesday 19 June 2024, and will be held at HOTA, Home of the Arts, in Gold Coast, Australia. We invite scholars from diverse disciplinary, methodological, and theoretical backgrounds to join us as we explore the emerging trends and practices that connect mobile communication and human rights, with our pre-conference theme, "Mobilizing Communication Rights for Humans, More-than Humans, and Beyond".
Participation in this preconference is open to everyone. Register here.
Registration is open to everyone and is open from now until 5 May 2023. Residents of tier A countries can register via this link: https://congrezzo.ugent.be/ica2023/.
Please note that, unfortunately, despite generous sponsorship, we had to increase the registration fee to 120 euro (approx. 125 US dollars) for tier A participants. This is the result of a combination of factors, including an increase in overhead costs from having to organize registration outside the ICA platform, general inflation, and the conference being hosted in an expensive city.
>> Residents of tier B and C countries receive a voucher for a full registration waiver. You can verify whether you qualify as a tier B or C member here: https://www.icahdq.org/page/tiers. To obtain the voucher, please contact us at 2023mobileprecon@gmail.com.